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由 Asiabots和香港海關共同開發的「虛擬海關服務大使」小慧昨日(29日)於海關在機場的簡報會上登場。


小慧現已於香港國際機場、港珠澳大橋、香園圍口岸及西九龍高鐵站共四個關口正式投入服務。按計劃,2024年內,「虛擬海關服務大使」服務將被推廣至其他各口岸,以及多個不同的社交平台,包括微信、Whatsapp 及 Facebook Messenger等,以方便更多自不同地方入境的旅客。

Introducing XiaoHui, the "Virtual Customs Service Ambassador" co-innovated by Asiabots and Hong Kong Customs, making her debut yesterday (29 DEC) at the Customs briefing at the airport.

Leveraging artificial intelligence technology, NLG and machine learning, XiaoHui can instantly address various entry and exit enquiries from citizens and travellers. Her scope includes customs procedures, information on control station services, and facilities.

She's now officially in service at four key entry points: Hong Kong International Airport, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, Heung Yuen Wai Control Point and West Kowloon High-Speed Rail Station. In 2024, XiaoHui will be extended to other ports, as well as a number of different social platforms, including wechat, Whatsapp and Facebook Messenger, to facilitate more passengers entering from different places.


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