百度AI技術超微軟Google 全賴中英語言差異 |Baidu tops Microsoft and Google in teaching AI to understand human...
百度AI技術超微軟Google 全賴中英語言差異 Baidu tops Microsoft and Google in teaching AI to understand human language, thanks to differences between...
百度AI技術超微軟Google 全賴中英語言差異 |Baidu tops Microsoft and Google in teaching AI to understand human...
Facebook Ad Manager好難用?受夠了Facebook Ad海鮮價?| Enough with un-user-friendly Facebook Ad Manager and cons
你還在用電郵宣傳嗎?現在已經out-dated啦! | Still using Email Marketing? It’s out-dated already!
探究日本人工智能(2) | A.I. Technology in Japan (2)
探究日本人工智能 | A.I. Technology in Japan
Business Touch 訪問 Asiabots: 本地科創研發AI虛擬客服大使 新時代用戶體驗帶來無限商機
人工智能即將取代人類?| Is A.I. Replacing Human?
商場裡迷了路?A.I.幫你解決! | Get Lost in the Mall? A.I. Solves Your Problem!
A.I.幫你「聽電話」| A.I. Answers Call for You
A.I.幫你「打電話」 | A.I. Calls for You